Improve Your Productivity using Visual Collaboration

Reduced Productivity

The amount of people that you have to collaborate with, coupled with the data and information that we have to process, is increasing daily.

Even more so now because of hybrid working.

As a result this is probably having a detrimental affect on your productivity.

We do not have time to read long textual reports, or the constant feed of emails, various forms of messages and  attend multiple, repeating meetings to try to make sense of them all, put them into context to make the right decisions.

Having this same information presented visually is a much quicker and easier way for us to see, understand and act upon.

By coupling the ability to visualise and collaborate with anyone that you have to do business with, will help you to improve your productivity.

Visual Collaboration facilitates team collaboration
Clevertouch interactive board and SharpCloud apps facilitates team collaboration
Project team in a meeting room collaborating with another team member via Clevertouch visual collaboration, interactive screen

Productive Visual Collaboration

When you collaborate with people you need to be able to connect and co create simply and easily.

Most of the time we are using various tools like email to connect and then attaching additional content in the form of documents, spreadsheets, presentations and the such like, to provide further details on what we are trying to communicate.

It also means that you need to be filing and organising your “communications” and “digital content” so that you can access them in a logical way.

The issue here is that it (communications and content) are in your inbox, or your folder, so sharing it and making it visible to everyone else to collaborate with is very challenging, if not impossible.

What is required is a visual and collaborative interface that allows you and anyone in your business collaboration network to visually view and share this information.

One such tool that I have been using extensively with various organisations and government departments is a visual collaboration tool called SharpCloud.  This is further supported when using SharpCloud on an interactive board such as Clevertouch via your video conferencing system (e.g. WebEx, Skype, MS Teams,  Zoom, etc.).

One of the key benefits that I and my clients have found is how it can be used to deliver many different end user applications (apps).

Integrating Physical, Data and Digtal Collaboration to deliver a integrated visual collaboration approach
Integrating Physical, Data and Digtal Collaboration to deliver a integrated visual collaboration approach
Jason Hier working collaboratively with other people using a visual interactive board (Clevertouch) and the R-TRM (Roelto Technology Roadmapping) app, powered by SharpCloud.

Implement a Visual Collaboration Framework

To increase your collaboration productivity you need to co-create a Visual Collaboration model that incorporates:

  • Physical collaboration
  • Data Collaboration
  • Digital Collaboration

The slides below identifies the different collaborations, how they overlap and align with your strategic objectives and outcomes.

Within each of the collaborations will be your way of working, data, systems and tools and the level of overlap (integration) will vary depending on your requirements, size and complexity of your organisation and network.

Improved Productivity – Connect, Collaborate, Create and Communicate

The 4 C’s are key aspects that I focus on when trying to help people and organisations improve their business productivity.

By applying this I have been able to help organisations deal with some very complex problems and yet provide a quick and simple solution using SharpCloud.

To see some of the end user applications (R-VCS Apps) I have created click here.

In the meantime here is a short video on SharpCloud to get you started.


Find out how Using Visual Collaboration can Improve Your Productivity.

If you want to discover more about  Visual Collaboration and R-VCS (Roelto – Visual Collaboration Solutions), powered by SharpCloud, just click the orange button below select “Meeting with Jason”, choose a date and time, leave your details and click DONE.

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