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Recently I presented at the Institute of Civil Engineers on the The Future of Project and Portfolio Management.

This presentation was part of a workshop organised by the The Future Club to look at the future of project management and closely associated programme, portfolio and change management as well as PMO support from the perspective of the next generation and what is required to change to meet their needs.  There were three presentations including mine which you can download here.


The first presentation was by David Millner, executive Consulting Partner, IBM Workforce Science and “HR Futurist”.  Dave talked about the digital future of work trends that will emerge and evolve over the next 10 years, the impact it will have on how leaders ad managers will need to behave and what the impact will be in the workforce in terms of behaviour and expectations.  This was a very interesting presentation and I think some of the points that Dave raised and presented are already here.  One of the key points Dave raised, which resonated with me immediately is the future relationship between people and technology.

The second presentation was by Rob Leslie Carter, Director at Arup where he shared some of the insights from the recently published Future of Project management report which was a partnership and collaboration between Arup, APM and The Bartlett School of construction and Project management at UCL, as well as crowd sourced inputs from the global project management community, examining the global drivers shaping the long term future of project management and their implications.

The third and final presentation was completed by myself and focused on the concept and approach of Visual Collaboration. I shared some of the common issues that I have observed across projects with particular reference to three within the INGO, Transport and Energy sectors, which have been addressed using Visual Collaboration.  First I talked about collaboration and how it operates at an organisational, people, process and technology level.  There are multiple relationships and inter-dependencies between each of these 4 key areas and collaboration acts as the “glue” that holds and connects them together and is a vital component for successful project delivery.  Secondly is the use of data, this is the “fuel” of any project to facilitate collaboration, decision making and action across these 4 areas and is best realised, understood and acted upon when it is visualised so that it is easily understood, can be interacted with and put into context by people.

The introduction of ISO 44001 to develop collaborative partnerships and SharpCloud for data visualisation was presented and how they have has been successfully developed and integrated by Roelto, as a Visual Collaboration solution for Project and Portfolio Management, which was demonstrated and presented to everyone.

You can download the presentation here

The workshop concluded with an open discussion by the workshop attendees and how the industry and in particular how the discipline of Project and Portfolio Management will be delivered in the future.  This ranged from “new ways of doing things”,  to ” is there a place for project management”  and “how do we use digital technology”.  The conversations  continued by looking at project delivery over the last 20 years, the problems, challenges and opportunities that exists with comparisons to how other companies like Google, deliver Project and Portfolio Management and the lessons we can learn from them and other organisations.

For me personally it was great to hear the experiences of so many people and gain further insight and validation that collaboration and data are part of the future and how Visual Collaboration solutions, using tools such as SharpCloud can play an important role in the future and successful delivery of projects.

I look forward to the next meeting in February 2018 and will share the updates with you, there afterwards.

Best regards,


P.S. To claim your complimentary 1/2 Day Project and Portfolio Workshop go here, leave your details and reference “The Delivery Club ICE2017” in the message box.

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