Now You Have to Engage Collaboratively!
You have completed the strategic phase of ISO 44001 (BS 11000) and the Partner Selection Stage 4 is the first stage within the engagement phase of ISO 44001 collaboration framework.
Being fully aware of what collaboration relationships are about, having a body of knowledge and with a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses as a result of your internal assessment, means you are now ready to select a partner.
Within the following six steps you will establish which partners present the best opportunity. This can be for either internal groups and functions or with an external organisation whereby you assess how you will work together and the agreed performance aspects to gain mutual benefit.
It is worth noting, although it is not obligatory for the other partner to have undertaken the steps within the strategic phase. Maybe this is something you can help and support as the other organisation may not be as qualified as you. There even maybe an opportunity for you to learn from them!

Partner Selection Stage 4
- Nominating your potential partner: After gaining permission to start the engagement, using the collaboration profile in stage 3 you need to determine your potential partners collaboration profile and perform a gap analysis against your internal assessment to establish how good a fit the relationship could be.
- Partner evaluation: Using the selection criteria you developed back in Stage 3 you can evaluate your list of potential partners.
- Partner selection action plans: Based on your list of potential partners you need to develop partner selection plans that identify the issues, risks and area where more development work will be required to meet your criteria. You cam also share these plans with your potential partners as it can help to develop future collaboration and allow them to evaluate you.
- Creating joint objectives: Your joint leadership team need to review your common objectives, which can cover a variety of benefits and needs to include where appropriate your partners specific requirements.
- Negotiating for collaboration: This is an important step as I have seen on several occasions if this is not established, more often or not it is based on the individuals negotiating style and is not always conducive to developing collaborative partnerships. An overall strategy needs to be established based on the agreed objectives and needs to consider both short and long term objectives.
- Partner selection: Once you have completed the previous steps you are now in a position to select a partner. This is a key step!
- Relationship management plan: It goes without saying you need to update the RMP as this will serve as a record for future reference.
ISO 44001 Collaboration Workshop
Now that you have selected a partner this is where the “honeymoon” ends and the real work begins in working together. If you have completed the previous stages thoroughly you and your partner will be in a good starting position to maximise the potential opportunity and will be prepared for the ups and downs that will come.
Discover how you can ensure your partner selection is completed successfully by setting up a Business/Project Collaboration “Kick Off” Workshop
Contact us below to find out how you can get your new collaborative partnership off to a great start.
Select Visual Collaboration, add a comment, leave your details and click OK.
PS Selecting a business partner is one of the most important activities for any business. The potential issues and risks are numerous and could be devastating for all involved. Using ISO 44001 collaborative business relationships framework will help you prepare selection assessments and plans that help you and your business partner develop a highly successful and profitable partnership.
ISO 44001 Collaboration Stages
Its always a good idea to review your ISO 44001 Stage 3 Internal assessment to make sure you are always trying to continuously improve and close any collaboration gaps.
Following on is ISO 44001 Stage 5 Working together which is where you start to jointly work and collaborate with your selected partner(s).