When I ask people what their strategy is, or have they seen it, or do you review and measure it and see how well you are contributing to it – more often than not I get a negative response. One of the main issues cited, is that people do not get visibility of the strategy, “…its only for the bigwigs to see..” is one recent quote.
Visual Collaboration Platform
However, after a discussion on how important it is for them to understand the strategy and more importantly how they can support its successful delivery, people start to realise the significance.
I sometimes wonder if senior management do.
Part of the issue is having visibility of the strategy but as importantly if not more, making the strategy an interactive and visual collaborative platform that engages everyone so that they are aligned, focussing on the key value creating activities, that in turn will develop and deliver value propositions for customers, end users etc which will help to meet the strategic targets and outcomes – which are typically financial.

One of the tools that I use and would like to share with you is a product called SharpCloud.
The benefit of this tool is that it is easily accessible via the Internet, highly visual and is able to connect people and divisions in different locations in a interactive and collaborative environment, that is easy to use.
Visual Strategy Roadmaps
One way to communicate your strategy visually is using a “Roadmap”.
Roadmapping is a very flexible tool and can be used in multiple ways either as single strategy or multiple strategies that integrate into the overall enterprise strategy.
Sharpcloud enables you to do this digitally, online with your hybrid workers and stakeholders ensuring your are able to communicate your strategy no matter where they are.
Below is an example (template) of a strategic technology roadmap that you could use.

Free SharpCloud Discovery Workshop
Here is an opportunity to see what SharpCloud is and how it will benefit you by interacting and co-creating your story with other colleagues in one of my digital workshops.
You can choose any type of workshop such as a GAP Analysis, SWOT, Roadmapping (go here to see more).
Completing a SWOT analysis will help you see your Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats in your business, enabling you to accelerate in delivering your strategy successfully.
Claim Your Complimentary SharpCloud Demonstration Workshop
Click the Orange Button below “Contact Roelto”, leave your details and select Option B to claim your Free Demonstration Workshop