Makigami Workshop Overview
One of the biggest challenges in your business, especially as you grow and expand is complexity.
One of the ways to ensure your business processes are working at optimally as possible is to complete a Makigami workshop.
Makigami literally means “a roll of paper” in Japanese. On this paper or in our case using R-WaaS | SharpCloud 2 charts are developed:
- An “As Is” and a
- “To Be”
An example of the chart is show below and is divided into 4 main rows:
- “Desks” – these are the people, teams, functions, departments etc which complete the business process
- “Documents” – these are the data and in formation carriers in the form of spreadsheets, forms, commuter screens, etc.
- “Time“- clock time, action time, value adding time and loses
- “Problems” – barriers, gaps, bottlenecks at the business process step
There are columns added after that represent the business process steps (typically start with 20).
So What is a Makigami
Essentially it is a tool that you can use with your colleagues and business partner to:
Understand ones processes and establish whether they are truly adding value, optimised and fit for purpose…
You will do this by a methodical deconstruction & re-engineering of the process and it works best with complex, end-2-end multi-disciplinary processes, where there might be lots of parallel activities and inter-dependencies.
With your colleagues and team members you can jointly assess your current business process and challenge it with regards to the 7 deadly sins of “loss”.
- Defects: Wrong or incomplete information
- Waiting – for data and other people to do their bit
- Checking – Quality Control – duplication of effort
- Rework – correcting and altering
- Overload – piles of data, files, cant find anything
- Over Processing – doing more that is really necessary
- Movement – of documents, data and or people
All of these route cause issues can cost money, complexity and increased time.
Using Workshop-as-a-Service, powered by SharpCloud you can quickly complete your Makigami workshop with other colleagues and partners, no matter where they are. Using the end-to-end business process matrix you will be able to identify all of the business process steps, their interdependencies/relationships and identify or link directly to the document, data carriers. Using the different RAG statuses you can see which ones are okay, what needs fixing or deleting.
By visually collaborating together you can co-create the “To Be” business process, prioritise and implement the project steps that are mutually beneficial and aligned to the agreed objectives and outcomes of the business process.
Key Benefits
- Co-created, joint ways of working
- process formalisation and standardisation
- Efficiency and continuous improvement
- Paperwork/data reduction
- Time saving
- Cost reduction
- Improved resource utilisation
- Simplification
- Training improvements (linked to standardisation)
- Enhanced help and support